If you are reading this firstly I would like to congratulate you. You are still alive and your enemies can put a suck on it. Forget all the wealth one can make – dead is dead, therefore lets toast for making it on our shared world to a new year. I hope you, your family and loved ones are all healthy. And those who are going through sickness I hope you will soon join us who are doing well. We will take you into our prayers and meditations. To those who we have lost this year I salute you for your service.
Yes world we have entered 2012. Last night, this morning, the smiles and joyfulness of the people has not gone unnoticed by a pessimist. Every corner I turned, every street I passed there was brotherhood and sincerity. Every year from January 2nd to December 30th we are less positive to one and another. But then comes New years eve – the 48 hours of our life we have nothing but positive messages to one and another. I have wished my family and loved ones a grand happy new year. I have every reason to think you have done the same. You too have kissed and hugged your wife, husband, kids, friends and strangers. A sincerity that usually don’t last for the rest of the year.
Observing the scenery on New Year’s Eve prompt me to ask myself the following question which I would like to put before you: Now that we have wished the whole world happiness can we also act it out and make the world a happy place?